Alhamdulillah, kemarin attend briefing lagi pasal our next vaccine ani. Vaccine yang mula mula namanya PANDEMRIX from Germany. Soalannya, apakah perbezaan diantara keduanya?. Sama saja kegunaannya dan kesannya. Cuma ada technique baru yang telahpun diDemo bertujuan untuk kebaikan (effectiveness) dalam penyediaan vaccine sebelum pemberian suntikan.
LoVe is sWeeT
SeTeLaH KePaHiTaN PaSTi AkaN aDa KeMaNiSaN
Intan Payung..
Anak bujang mami~
Si Manja mami..
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Gurindam Jiwa...
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Aduh, matapun masih mengantuk. Manainda pukul 4.30 pagi sudah bangun, wawa kena standby n Adib pun ikut bebaris (1st time). Adib masih mengantuk, masih belum puas tidur pasal semalam tolak dari kulapis ke lambak akhir malam. Tepaksa jua tidur dilambak, takut akhir bangun. Kalau dikulapis, jam lagi lalu dijerudong..belum lagi highway. Habis bebaju, keluar stat engine kreta...hari masih gelap, tepaksa beranikan diri. Jam sudah 5.30 pagi, mula mula antar adib ke PGGMB secondary school naik bas kan menuju ke bandar. Lapas atu begagas lagi kan ke RIPAS, takut ketinggalan ambulan/van kan betolak pukul 6 pagi. Sampai mabohai, wah...banyaknya kreta/bas bas sudah besusun disana sini. Sampai di RIPAS Hospital, begagas lagi kan paking kreta hmm....baik jua masih ada transport, pikir tah ketinggalan tapi ada jua yang sudah lapas. Mula mula masuk di Emergency Unit didepan Paramedics, cari kan register nama dulu dinotice board to sign. Barang barang emergency temasuk emergency trolley, ubat ubatan, stretches, blankets, basins, towels sudah awal jalan bersama sama dengan Incharge barang kelengkapan. Makanan n minuman pun sudah ada. Hehe biasalah nasi berlauk ayam masak kurma kah tau kari kah tu usulnya n sayur. Pagi pagi cemani, dikem tah lagi nda wawa beliur kan makan tapi ada jua kawan kawan yang bawa kan tapau saja. Baik jua ada sandwich telor, atu tah yang wawa makan. Lagipun sudah kenyang, awal awal lagi babu masak mee dilambak, hmm nyaman tapi nda dapat banyak jua karang tekajut parut kan membuat proses penghadaman hehehe. Yang penting wawa minum 100 plus untuk restore energy dalam tubuh n kan tuk mencergaskan badan. First, check meja Dr sudah ready form triage, BP set, thermometer, stethoscope sudah ada dapan mata Dr. Cek box ubat ada panadol tablet, zantac, bascopan, gaviscon tuk yang sakit parut...maklum kanak kanak skulah ani kasian awal awal udah betolak dari rumah n begagas kesekolah takut nanti ketinggalan bas. Jadinya, terlupa tah kan mengisi parut sedangkan breakfast is very very important than lunch. Nah kan....ayung tia paning tia apa. Thanks god, baik jua pagi ani mendung n hujan renyai renyai, ganya nda berangin iatah bepaluh jua badan. Wawa dalam kem saja sambil menunggu cerita cerita sama gang yang lama dah nda jumpa. Kadang ingin jua rasa hati kan maliat perbarisan terutama kan maliat anak mami, adib ani barukan pernah bebaris. Bangga jua maliat anak kesayangan mami ani menyertai perbarisan, ingau jua hati mami takut adib ngalih n paning. Pertengahan acara stat tia ada yang tumbang n kena bawa ke kem pakai stretches. Masing masing tah dengan peranannya, ada yang isi borang triage, cek panas, cek tekanan darah, pulse, cek glukos dalam darah. Baik jua nda ada yang sampai cucuk jarum masuk ubat meaning nda yang teruk. Yang penting pernafasan cukup, jadi tepaksa buka tudung at least longgarkan sikit tudung kalau malu kan membuka. Lepas atu dibagitah secawan air yang sudahpun dicampur ORS salt. Gali jua hati maliat dangan prepare every sachet ORS masuk dalam setiap botol damit mineral water. Gunanya macam 100 plus jua tapi ani nda be gas...umph bagus pulang tu ah. Sandwich diunjuk bagi yang masih mampu makan pasal ada jua yang mutah nda tolerate pasal parut diorang andang kosong. Iatah karang mengajut parut kosong kan tarus di asak asak dengan makanan. Mostly students lah yang complain macamatu, kasian cigu cigu bisdia tepaksa menunggu sampai anak murid masing masing sudah ok. Ada jua orang dewasa yang paning, tapi kebanyakan mau kan duduk berehat saja, mungkin malu kan melimpang. Ada jua yang complain paning pasal baru tau ia pregnant, jadi katanya tepaksa jua diteruskan perbarisan tapi last last paning jua. Atutah macam macam kan diliat gelagat sorang sorang, tapi cukup nampak bersemangat tuk maraikan hari kecintaan pada negara ani. Next 27hb Feb ani hari maulud nabi (Hari Kecintaan pada Rasul), wawa pun kana standby jua. Nda apa selagi diri masih kuat, masih diperlukan...alhamdulillah disinilah kitani berkhidmat. Kerana dibumi ani tempat kelahiran, disini jua dimana anak-anakku dan keluargaku tercinta diami. Kasih pada anak-anak bangsa dan Sayang pada semuanya!....
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Princess Diaries
Snoring may be a symptom of a spectrum of problems, including simple snoring without sleep disordered breathing, and snoring associated with obstructive sleep apnoea. Studies have shown that approximately 24% of the local population are loud habitual snorers. Obstructive sleep apnoea is a potentially serious disorder associated with snoring, in which one's breathing is interrupted during seep, causing the individual to awaken many times during the night and experience excessive daytime sleepiness.
What causes Snoring?
The sounds of snoring are caused by the vibration or flapping of the tissues lining the upper air passages. Snoring in most people is due to multiple factors, each playing some part in the snoring process. Relaxation of muscles causes the walls of the upper airway to fall together, causing them to vibrate. Swelling of the tissues in the wall (e.g. from anatomical or injury reasons) causes narrowing. The tongue may fall back into the throat when sleeping on the back and contribute to the snoring. Nasal blockage such as nasal allergy or deformities of the nasal septum (the cartilage partition between the two sides of the nose) can cause poor nasal airflow and set the soft tissues of the palate (roof of the mouth) and throat vibrating.
Whereas large tonsils are the most common cause of snoring and sleep apnoea in infants, they can also be the occasional cause of problems in adult, where nasal and soft palate problems are the more common causes of snoring. Other factors which can influence the snoring condition are obesity; aging and associated loss of general muscle tone, congestion of the throat due to reflux of stomach acid (heartburn); and the effects of alcohol or smoking.
where can I get help?
Consult your physician if you have loud snoring for a thorough evaluation of your problem.
what can be done to treat snoring?
Effective treatment is available for almost all patients. The treatment of snoring is divided into medical and surgical options. the therapeutic choice is individualised. a "staged" approach is often used, which involves medical therapy first, folowed by consideration of surgery.
Medical Treatment
As nasal obstruction increases the frequency of snoring and sleep disordered breathing, oral medications prescribed or recommended by your physician are available to help you breathe through your nose during sleep.
Nasal CPAP (Continous Positive Airway Pressure) can supply pressurised air into the upper airway via a nasal mask, keeping the upper airway open. CPAP is not usually prescribed for snoring unless there is associated apnoea.
Dental appliances that hold the jaw in a forward protrusive position during sleep have also been used to treat snoring.
Surgical Treatment
Surgical procedures for the treatment of snoring may include nasal, palatal, jaw, tongue and neck surgery. The surgical procedure will depend on the location of the tissues contributing to the snoring. Certain nasal conditions such as deviated nasal septum and very large tonsils can cause snoring and may require assessment by the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon. some patients have extra tissue in the throat, which when removed may help to alleviate snoring. this surgical procedure is called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). Excess tissues may also be removed using laser surgery. Radiofrequency thermal ablation of the soft palate (somnoplasty) is a procedure used for the treatment of snoring that works by stiffening and shrinking the tissues of the soft palate.
Some useful suggestions for Snorers:
- Reduce weight if you are obese.
- Avoid taking sleeping pills. Certain sleeping pills may cause the upper airway to relax, which leads to snoring.
- Avoid consuming alcohol after 6pm. Alcohol causes relaxation of muscles and swelling of the tissues of the airway.
- sleep on your side and avoid sleeping on the back. some people snore, or snore heavily only when sleeping on their back.
- Quit smoking. smoking causes swelling of the tissues of the airway, which results in snoring.
- Allow your bed partner to fall asleep before retiring to bed.
- Provide ear plugs for your bed partner.
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Sakit kepala ialah sakit pada bahagian didalam tengkorak. Sakit kepala adalah masalah yang biasa dialami oleh setiap orang.
Ianya disebabkan oleh:
- Ketegangan pada otot-otot dibahagian kulit kepala, muka dan leher, atau
- Perkembangan pada saluran darah dikepala atau
- Tekanan yang meningkat didalam otak yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan kuman, luka atau barah,
Walaubagaimanapun, ada sesetengah sakit kepala memerlukan rawatan dengan segera terutama sekali jika ia disertai dengan rasa loya, muntah-muntah, masalah penglihatan, kelalaian, hilang ingatan, hilang imbangan badan, pengsan atau koma.
Sakit kepala yang SEDERHANA:
Sakit kepala ketika lapar
Sakit kepala akibat ketagihan kafein
Sakit kepala selepas bersetubuh
Sakit kepala disaat ketegangan atau stress
Sakit kepala yang berkelompok
Sakit kepala ketika berada dikawasan bising
Sakit kepala ketika mengalami perubahan tahap hormon
Sakit kepala yang TERUK:
Sakit kepala selepas nkecederaan kepada kepala
Jangkitan kuman pada bahagian otak seperti meningitis
Radang pada bahagian lapisan otak
Barah otak
Pendarahan otak
Kenaikan tekanan dalam otak (mungkin disebabkan oleh tekanan darah tinggi)
Kenaikan tekanan dalam mata
Jangkitan kuman tropika seperti malaria.
Bagaimana cara untuk mengurangkan sakit kepala?
- Baring didalam bilik yang tenang
- Urut kepala
- Makan ubat penahan sakit seperti paracetanol, aspirin
- Letakkan beg atau tuala yang berisi ketulan ais pada dahi (untuk "migraine")
- Mandi dengan air suam (untuk sakit kepala disaat ketegangan atau stres)
- Jika sakit kepala melebihi daripada satu hari selepas memakan ubat penahan sakit
- Jika sering mengalami sakit kepala
- Jika berlainan dengan sakit kepala yang biasa dialami.
- Jika sakit kepala disertai dengan sawan
- Jika sakit kepala disertai dengan panas badan yang tinggi dan ketegangan pada bahagian leher
- Jika sakit kepala disertai dengan rasa kebas atau lumpuh pada anggota badan
- Jika sakit kepala disertai dengan masalah penglihatan
- Jika mengalami sakit kepala selepas kecederaan pada bahagian kepala.
Kem. Kes 2007.
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Kitani sudah banyak mendangar ceramah yang melarang kitani supaya jangan teikut ikut menyambut hari kekasih yang biasa dipanggil valentine day. Bukan budaya orang kitani untuk membesarkan hari tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, atu semua tertakluk kepada niat sorang sorang didalam hati. Kitani boleh meraikannya dengan niat untuk 'menghampirkan yang jauh dan merapatkan yang dekat'. Kitani saling memerlukan diantara satu dengan yang lain terutama keluarga dan kawan. Apa salahnya berkumpul beramai-ramai bergembira asal jangan berlebih lebihan sehingga membelakangi soal agama seperti minum arak dan pergaulan bebas. Sedangkan kitani memang dituntut supaya mempunyai keperibadian yang baik, menyayangi dan menghormati sesiapa saja. Adalah lebih bermanfaat lagi jika diselitkan dengan acara keugamaan seperti bertahlil, membaca doa selamat atau membaca surah yassin beramai ramai bersama keluarga. Alangkah sejuk dan damainya dihati...
Cakap pasal valentine ani teclick wawa masa dulu dulu hehe. Kalau dulu iatah ditunggu tunggu ne cali ada jua. Hati berbunga bila ada yang menyelitkan kad n bunga, masuk class saja atas meja ada complete package bunga, kad n chocolate....umph yummy!. Yang penting siapa sendernya ah? ada yang without name lagitu misteri jua ah...'secret admirer'. Tapi kalau ada yang usulnya senyum senyum ada makna, iatah orangnya kali tu. Ada jua yang bagi thru one of my fren yang maybe diorang trust. Pernah ada jua yang bagi novel bole lah untuk wawa baca sementara nunggu nini datang ambil wawa balik skulah. Ada yang berani datang kerumah bagi barang tapi yang receive dipintu dad...Oops!..Yang siuknya ada jua yang tau my favourate bagi teddy bear.....wah!, boleh buat collections....Sayangnya sudah kawin, galak jua rasanya kan disimpan lagi semua barang barang atu karang hubby tersinggung apa nanti katanya hehe. Now siapa ah orang tersayang dihati ini??....hmm biar sendiri sendiri saja tau hahaha. Yang pasti my 2 young men~adib n danish, my adorable kids!. Adib sudah year 7, tinggi sudah dari mami. Pendiam orangnya compare to Danish. Suka berlaptop buka facebook. Kadang tepaksa mami tagur jua..yang penting siapkan homework. Mami suka liat adib solat, khusyuk sajuk mata hati mami. Danish, very cheerful n talkative. Manjanya over kadang tecangang alai irfan, damia sama alya liat abang danish hug n kiss mami saja. Pandai ambil hati mami, suka buatkan mami minuman tapi umph..manis rasanya. Tapi kalau main game batah, tepaksa mami tagur...nah sensitive tia lagi danish ani eh. Apa pun, mami love both of you!!...
An acronym for the word LOVE:
Listen beneath the words that people are saying. Try to hear what the person is saying.
We have to overlook some things, and not let them effect us. To overlook things does not mean that we are doormat. Being a doormat is a form of self hatred.
Say the things that need being said. Don't let the sun go down before you tell someone you are sorry. Don't assume that people know that you love them- tell them. People need to hear that vthey are loved.
we need to make an effort even if it is difficult. we want to be a person of peace.
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What is Excessive daytime Sleepiness?
When sleepiness interferes with daily routines and activities, or reduces one's ability to function, it is considered excessive.
You mat have excessive daytime sleepiness if you:
- Have difficulty paying attention or concentrating at work, school or at home
- Have performance problems at work or school
- Struggle to stay awake when inactive, such as when watching television or reading
- Have difficulty remembering things
- Must take naps on most days
- Are often told by others that you are sleepy
- Fall asleep while driving
What causes Excessive daytime Sleepiness?
Sleepiness can be due to the body's natural daily sleep-wake cycles, inadequate sleep, sleep disorders, or the effect of certain drugs or medications.
Sleep-wake cycle
There are two periods in the day when the body experiences a natural tendency towards sleepiness:
during the late night hours (generally between midnight and 7 a.m.) and again during the mid afternoon (generally between 1 p.m and 4 p.m). If a person is awake during these times, he has a higher chance of falling asleep unintentionally, especially if he has not been getting enough sleep.
Inadequate sleep
The amount of sleep needed each night varies amongst different people. Research has shown that when healthy adults are allowed to sleep unrestricted, the average time spent is 8 hours.
If a person does not get enough sleep even on a single night, a "sleep debt" begins to build and increase until sufficient sleep is obtained. Excessive daytime sleepiness occurs as the debt accumulates. Individuals who do not get enough sleep during the working week tend to sleep longer on the weekends or days off to reduce their sleep debt.
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea, Narcolepsy, Restless Legs Syndrome and insomnia can cause excessive daytime sleepiness.
Sleep Apnoea is a potentially serious disorder in which a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep, causing the individual to awake many times during the night and experience excessive daytime sleepiness.
People with narcolepsy have excessive sleepiness during the day, even after getting sufficient sleep at night. They may fall asleep at inappropriate times and places.
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) causes a person to experience unpleasant sensations in the legs often described as creeping, crawling, pulling, or painful. These sensations frequently occur in the evening, making it difficult for people with RLS to fall aslep, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness.
Insomnia is the perception of poor-quality sleep due to difficult falling asleep, waking up during the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too eartly in the morning, or unrefreshing sleep.
Any of these sleep disorders can result in excessive daytime sleepiness.
Medical conditions and drugs
certain medical conditions and drugs, including prescription medications can also disrupt sleep and cause sleepiness. Some examples include:
- Chronic illness such as asthma, heart failure, rheumatoid athritis, or any other chronically painful disorder.
- some medications to treat high blood pressure or heart conditions, amd asthma medications such as theophylline.
- Akcohol is a sedating drug that can, even in small amounts, make a sleepy person much more sleepy and at greater risk of car crashes and performance problems.
- caffeine, which is consumed in coffee, tea, soft drinks or medications makes it harder for many people to fall asleep and stay asleep. Caffeine stays in the body for about 3 to 7 hours, so even when taken earlier in the day, it can cause problems at night.
- nicotine from cigarettes or a skin patch is a stimulant and makes it hatder to fall asleep and stay asleep.
More shift workers get less sleep over 24 hours as compared to day workers. Sleep loss is greatest for night shift workers, those who work early morning shift, and female shift workers with children at home.
The humen sleep-wake system is designed to prepeare the body and mind for sleep at night and wakefulness during the day. These natural rhythyms make it difficult to sleep during daylight hours and to stay awake during the night hours, even in people who are well rested.
In addition to the sleep-wake system, environmental factors can influence sleepiness in shift workers. Shift workers whi try to sleep during the day are often interrupted by noise, light, telephones, family members and other distractions.
In shift workers, problem sleepiness may result in:
- Decreased productivity due to poor night work performance
- Increased risk of accidents and injuries at work
- Decreased quality of life
- Increased risk of automobile accidents
What you can do?

Getting Enough Sleep
Many prople do not set aside enough time for sleep on a regular basis. A first step may be to evaluate their daily activities and sleep-wake patterns to determine how much sleep is obtained. if a person is consistently getting lest than 8 hours of sleep per night, more sleep mey be needed. A good approach is to gradualy move to an earlier bedtime.
For example, if an extra hour of sleep is needed, try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each nught for four nights, then keep to the last bedtime. This method will increased the amount of time in bed without causing a sudden change in schedule. however, if work or family schedules do not permit the earlier bedtime, a 30 to 60 minute daily nap may help.
Tips for Shift Worker
The following may be helpful if you are working on shift:
- reduce the amount of night work
- Increase the total amount of sleep by adding naps and lengthening the amount of time alotted for sleep
- Increased the intensity of light at work
- Have a predictable schedule of night shifts
- Eliminate sound and light in the bedroom during daytime sleep
In general, medications do not help problem sleepiness, and some may make it worst. Caffeine can help to reduce sleepiness and increase alertness, but only temporarily. It can also cause problem sleepiness to become worse by interrupting sleep.
Medications may be prescribed for patients in certain situations. Foe example, the short-tertm use of sleeping pills has been shown to be helpful in patients diagnosed with acute insomnia. Long-term use of sleep medication is recommended only for the treatment of specific sleep disorders.
While alcohol may shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, it can disrupt sleep later in the night, and therefore add to problem sleepiness.
Where can I get help?
If you think you are getting enough sleep but still feel sleepy during the day, consult your physician. Your physician may then refer you for a thorough evaluation of your problem.
Sleep Disorders Unit,
Singapore general hospital (Sing-Health).
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